More than 50 things you can replace by getting an iPhone
Hi friends,
I came up with this list of items you can replace by owning an iPhone…
Any things you think I missed? Let me know. I’ll go more into details on all these items (and any you add) in a later post.
50 things you can replace with an iPhone
1) calculator
2) digital voice recorder
3) alarm clock
4) flashlight
5) calendar
6) address book
7) document file folder
8) ebook reader
9) dictionary
10) dictation secretary
11) iPod/audio player
12) DVD player
13) still camera
14) video camera
15) watch
16) stopwatch
17) egg timer
18) photo viewer
19) password notebook
20) business cards
21) frequent buyer/club cards
22) boarding passes
23) travel itineraries
24) grocery list
25) newspapers/magazines
26) calendar sections for movie showtimes
27) scanner
28) first aid book
29) radio
30) guitar tuner
31) cook book
32) yellow pages/phone book
33) menus
34) home phone
35) restaurant guides
36) wi-fi card
37) currency converter
38) pen and paper
39) USB drive
40) wireless mouse
41) remote control (for presentations or media controls)
42) GPS devices
43) compass
44) portable game player
45) pedometer
46) white noise generator
47) credit cards (sort of)
48) to-do list
49) magnifying glass/reading glasses
50) vanity mirror
51) Pantone color guide
Category: The Mac Whisperer