Tag: Email
Technology Tips: Webmail vs. Local Mail
In this day and age, more and more people are relying on the cloud. They use yahoo or gmail or hotmail as their email provider, and they get their messages by going to a website. I suggest that the better way to manage your email is with a local mail client like MacMail, Entourage, or […]
Technology Tips: The Right Email Address
Just like the last generation was impressed by a good physical address in Malibu, or Beverly Hills, or a prime phone number in the 310 area code, the next generation is impressed by a smart email address. Free email addresses like AOL, gmail, MSN, hotmail, and yahoo are ok for personal use, but make a […]
Websites and email solutions
Concrete5 is the best CMS around. Spamhero is the best SAAS spam filter around. period. More to come.